
Saturday, April 23, 2016

WERK the RUNWAY: Cycle 3 - MG Soli Deo Gloria

      WERK the RUNWAY: Cycle 3 featured the Spring 2016 "Splendor" Collection from MG: Soli Deo Gloria by designer, Marian Gibson.

   Designer, Marian Gibson created the "Splendor" collection based on a passage from the Bible in which Jesus is giving his sermon on the mount (Matthew 6:29, 30). He says, "See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you --- you of little faith?" 
   "I have always been fascinated by the intricacies of flowers," says Marian Gibson. "This collection was meant to capture some of the magnificent colors, silhouettes, and whimsy of these delicate but stunning things." Morning glory, sunflower and Easter lily were all represented in her collection, and she also played with floral patterns and a variety of textures (velvet, raw silk, organza and even a few upholstery fabrics to keep things interesting). The tan jumpsuit and plum jacket speak to early-blooming crocuses peaking through autumn's fallen foliage. The skirt/cape worn by Kelsea communicates the incredible transformation that comes with spring, and new life refusing to bow to winter's death. 
   Marian Gibson has been sketching designs since she was just 11 and sewing the designs for herself since 14. "Design was the only career path I saw myself enjoying," says Gibson. She studied Apparel Design and Merchandising at Appalachian State, graduating with a Bachelor's of Science in 2012. In the summer after graduation, Gibson interned with Kara Wickman, a high-end women's designer in Rhode Island. "The experience really confirmed my passion for actually creating apparel for the runway,  versus going the merchandising/buyer route," she says. In Spring 2014, she produced her first women's wear collection as MG: Soli Deo Gloria. As well as featuring her looks in runway events, Marian Gibson is currently designing products for Freedom Global, a non-profit organization based in Durham, NC that fights poverty in Kenya through employment and education. In the future, Gibson plans to sell her looks at boutiques and online, "but for now, I love having the opportunity to share my designs through fashion shows."

   WERK the RUNWAY: Cycle 3 brought a high fashion runway event to Morristown, Tennessee for the third time on Saturday, April 9, 2016 at the Country Club. With a sold-out crowd and an amazing line-up, Cycle 3 was our biggest success yet. According to guests, the show gets "bigger and better every time."
   WERK the RUNWAY is co-hosted by award-winning makeup artist Missy Young and internationally-published fashion & fitness photographer Eric McKinney of 6:12 Photography. 
   Makeup for the show is by MUA Missy Young. 
   Hairstyling was provided by Harley Chandler, Desiree Huskey and Cassandra Wolfe with the Tennessee Institute of Cosmetology. 
   Music for the runway was provided by DJ Preston Husk.

   For more photos from WERK the RUNWAY: Cycle 3, check out 6:12 Photography by Eric McKinney on Facebook at
   For more 6:12 photos, visit If you enjoy my work, take a moment to click "like" on my page. You can also follow 6:12 on Instagram @mannequin612.
   Interested in booking a photo session with 6:12 Photography? Contact Eric McKinney at to schedule a shoot.
   For more from MUA Missy Young, visit You can also follow Missy on Instagram @muabymissy.

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