
Monday, May 2, 2016

6:12 Cover Reveal --- "Honor Love" by Author Maryann Jordan

   6:12 Photography is excited about partnering with bestselling author Maryann Jordan to provide the cover image for her upcoming novel Honor Love, releasing on May 8th. The cover image features Jon Salvador with 612 Model Management, showing off his incredible physique and gazing at the reader with a fierce intensity. Honor Love is part of the Saints Protection & Investigations series.

Here's a brief interview with bestselling author Maryann Jordan to get the scoop behind the lead character, Monty and her novel Honor Love:

6:12 Photog: What can readers expect from your upcoming release, Honor Love?

Maryann Jordan: Readers who are fans will love the new book in the Saints Protection & Investigations series because it will once again bring their beloved characters back while focusing on Monty. New readers can expect to find a full-length novel, complete with a happy ending that is full of sweet & steamy romance. My men are alphas with heart and once they’ve met “the one”, that’s it for them…they go into protective mode and nothing gets in their way! My female leads are all professional women, strong on their own. In this novel, Monty falls for Angel, owner of Angel’s Cupcake Heaven. She adds color to his rather bland existence and when she is threatened, he vows to keep her safe at all costs!

6:12 Photog: Can you give us some insight in your main character, Monty? What should we know about him?

Maryann Jordan: Monty was a former FBI agent and my readers will recognize him from Tony, the Alvarez Security Series bestselling book when he was undercover in the State Senate. He joined the Saints after becoming tired of the bureaucratic BS that often hindered his investigations. Monty’s parents wanted him to become a lawyer and were disappointed when he decided to pursue a career in law enforcement instead. His life is rather boring outside the missions and when he meets the colorful, and exciting Angel, his world is turned upside down.

6:12 Photog: Can you tell us how 6:12 Model, Jon Salvador came to be the face of your cover? Does he help bring the character of Monty to life?

Maryann Jordan: When we are first introduced to Monty in the Alvarez book, Tony, he is described as handsome, neat, athletic build, and suave. He was able to easily slide into the undercover investigation with a State Senator, so Monty needed to be educated and as much at ease in a tux at a State dinner as running through a dark alley after a suspect.
   Eric’s pictures are perfect for me – his male models have wonderful bodies, but also have a look of “real” about them! That was what first sent me to Eric’s website and I have been a fan of his work ever since!
   I spent a great deal of time looking at the 6:12 models, first by narrowing my search down to the ones with dark hair. Then I began to peruse them closely, looking for the face that just screamed “Monty” to me! When I saw Jon’s pictures, I immediately tagged him as a possibility, but the more I continued to go back and look at his photographs, I knew he had the face that matched my character. Jon had the complete look and feel that I was going for.
   Readers tell me that they want the cover model to match the character and I feel that it is important as well. The particular picture that I chose, not only showed off Jon’s muscular body, but fit the series’ covers (a head to knee shot). Many authors use just body (no head) shots, but I want the cover to connect the reader with my character.
   Jon looks sexy, but it would be easy to see him in a suit and tie. I had Jon’s face in my mind as I wrote the book, so that the descriptions fit him exactly. My beta readers, who have read the story, then see the cover (they get sneak peeks) said, “It’s just as I imagined!” And then they exclaim, “Oh, my God, he’s gorgeous!” For me…mission accomplished!

6:12 Photog: In one statement, what did you want this cover to portray about Monty or the story?

Maryann Jordan: Sexy and suave and believable!

6:12 Photog: Now that you've given us a teaser about Monty, I'm dying to ask if you have a sneak peek excerpt from the book that you can share about him?

Maryann Jordan: This is when Monty first sees Angel:

Monty, usually in tune with his dates, found his mind wandering once more. A group of women walked into the restaurant and made their way to the bar. He glanced over, their laughter making it hard to focus on what Claire was saying.

The five women were attractive and appeared to be celebrating some occasion. Hearing one ask for a table, he was glad that they were moving on, not wanting to have his quiet dinner interrupted continually with loud conversation.

“Oh, here comes our straggler,” one of the women said to the bartender.

“Hey everyone,” a woman called out and as Monty looked toward the bar, his fork halted on its path to his mouth.

The sultry voice belonged to a gorgeous woman, dressed for a night out on the town. She had just pulled off a bight purple coat, draping it across her arm. Her green wrap dress showed off her considerable cleavage and small waist, before flaring out at hips that would make most men drop to their knees and weep. Black heels completed her outfit. Her face was carefully made up, showcasing ocean blue eyes and shiny pink lips, the color of bubblegum. But her hair captured Monty’s full attention.

The silky blonde tresses were streaked with hot pink, purple, and teal colors. One colorful stripe of each color filtered through the yellow blonde length. Jesus, she looks like a cupcake!

He watched as she made her way to the group of women, greeting each one with a hug. Slapping her hand down on the polished bar, she ordered a Lemon Drop. She looks like candy so what else would she drink? Mesmerized, he tried not to gawk as she leaned her hip against the bar waiting for her drink and continued to talk to her friends.

He turned his attention back to Claire, never the type of man to be with one woman but looking at others. Claire was still describing what her office should look like when the Cupcake laughed at something one of the others said. His head turned involuntarily as he watched her. She lifted her chin in laughter, causing the cascade of colors to fall down her back, rippling as she shook. Her voice was rich and he felt it right down to his groin.

The women, drinks in hand, turned to move to the back where a waiter showed them to their table. Bending down to fix the strap on her shoes, Cupcake caught Monty’s stare as she stood. For an instant, their gazes held, before she winked, smiled, and headed to the back with her friends.

6:12 Photog: So now that we've heard about Honor Love, tell me a little more about you, Maryann. Where's home for you, how long have you been writing and where does your passion as an author come from?

Maryann Jordan: I have a ton of enthusiasm…always have! I grew up in Tennessee, but have lived in Virginia, Texas, Massachusetts, Okinawa Japan, and Cairo Egypt. For the last 23 years, I have been a resident of Fredericksburg, Virginia. I was a special education teacher for several years before earning a Master’s degree in Counseling. I was an adolescent counselor for 23 years and just retired last year.
   I have been an avid reader for as long as I can remember. Book characters became my friends, filling my daydreams. This never ended with adulthood…instead, characters filled my mind, begging to have their story told.
   I blogged for a year, meeting a lot of amazing authors and then learned about self-publishing. I began writing in 2013 and published my first book in early 2014. I have learned a tremendous amount about the industry and have been blessed with amazing readers. I have now published 15 books (the last 7 going Amazon bestseller on release day!)
   I have 2 adult daughters, a fabulous grandson (and soon to be granddaughter), a very supportive husband, four cats, and a cute mutt-dog!
   I write all the time, so thank God, I was able to retire from counseling! I spend about 60 hours a week on the business (writing, editing, marketing, looking at cover models…). I love this business! I have met some of the most amazing, giving, and interesting people along the way!

6:12 Photog: When can we expect Honor Love to be released? And where can readers and fans buy a copy?

Maryann Jordan: Honor Love will be released in early May and readers will find it on Amazon. It's available for pre-order at: Readers can keep checking my Amazon author page or my facebook page for the details! If they want to add their name to my newsletter list, that would be perfect!

6:12 Photog: Thank you so much for taking the time to give us some insight into Monty and your upcoming novel Honor Love. Wishing you another successful publication, Maryann! 

If you're an author in need of exclusive cover images, contact Eric McKinney of 6:12 Photography and I would be happy to help you locate the model who fits perfectly for your cover. 6:12 images are meant to be one-of-a-kind, and when you purchase a 6:12 Cover, you can rest assured that your image will not appear on any one else's cover --- only yours.

For more info and to follow Maryann Jordan, check out the links below:
Amazon author page:
Newsletter signup:

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